Lernobjekt «Assessment» (English)
The learning object Assessment for Student's Learning is an introduction to the concept, functions and formats of assessment in the context of higher education. It aims to answer the following main questions:
- What to assess? (students' competences)
- How to assess? (criteria and formats)
- When to assess? (moments)
- Who can assess? (agents)
In addition, this learning object gives an insight on the importance of feedback for student's learning and addresses how, through a formative assessment approach, plagiarism can be avoided. This course considers different perspectives of assessment and takes a stand on improving assessment practices by promoting formative activities that aim at fostering the students’ learning.
The learning object is being constantly updated with new resources and it is thought to be used as an introductory online course, as basic material to be read before a face-to-face workshop or as a resource at hand for any teacher attending our courses at the ZHE Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik und -entwicklung.
The course's material is a joint endeavor between Mònica Feixas and Tobias Zimmermann from the Center for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education at the Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich. It is based on the adaptation of the book chapter:
Feixas, M. & Zimmermann, T. (2018). Approaches to assessment in competence-based degree programmes. In H. Bachmann (Ed.). Competence-Oriented Teaching and Learning in Higher Education -Essentials (p. 74-108). Berne. Hep.